World Class Positivity - Keep Coming Back For More!!

“Motivation may be what starts you off, but it's habit that keeps you going back for more. Are your habits working for you or against you? Are your habits helping you to achieve your goals or hindering the process?”
Miya Yamanouchi

When beginning your journey towards your new self, your new life of wellness, you will inevitably need to develop new habits. The greater the change you are seeking in your life, the more you will need to focus on developing these new habits.

Start small. Do one single thing at the same time each day to help you in your journey. One simple act, for example, might be to take just a TWO MINUTE break at the beginning of your lunch time to meditate. Make sure you repeat this every day, until it becomes a habit for you. Then, consider adding another habit or adding on to this one - say going from 2 to 5 minutes of pre-lunch meditation.

Develop these habits as you grow, and they will “Keep You Coming Back For More!!”.