World Class Positivity - Are You Starting Fresh?

“It's humbling to start fresh. It takes a lot of courage. But it can be reinvigorating. You just have to put your ego on a shelf & tell it to be quiet.”
Jennifer Ritchie Payette

Starting fresh can mean many things. It can be coming out of a divorce and starting a new life, moving past the loss of a loved one, starting a new career are just a few examples of life altering changes.

It has meant al of these things to me in the past. And, it is EXACTLY where I am right now. Starting fresh. It has been exhilarating to start World Class Wellness & Fitness, because I am finally doing what brings me happiness. At its core, the goal of this venture is spreading positivity in a world that has become increasingly negative. Everything I do here - personal training, blogs on positivity, nutrition, recovery, training or mindfulness - are all done with the intent of increasing the wellness of anyone I encounter.

But, at the same time, this adventure has been incredibly humbling. Hoping people like it. Starting with new social media platforms, learning how all of this works, essentially starting with nothing but my conviction.

So, for today I will put my ego on a shelf and tell it to BE QUIET!!

For those of you starting over, or thinking of taking that first step in whatever endeavor life has brought you, I sincerely hope that you find encouragement with this message today.