World Class Nutrition - Shake the Salt!!
Research shows that besides contributing to high blood pressure, consuming high amounts of sodium can also lead to stroke, heart disease, and heart failure. Research also shows that reducing sodium lowers cardiovascular disease and death rates over the long term.
The American Heart Association recommends no more than 2,300 milligrams (mg) a day and move towards an ideal limit of no more than 1,500 mg per day for most adults. Meanwhile, the average daily sodium intake for Americans is 3,400 milligrams per day, an excessive amount that can contribute to all of the health risks listed, above. Anything that can be done to reduce daily sodium intake is beneficial. Reading the labels on anything you buy is critical. Salt is hidden in many things most people just don’t think of. Here are just a couple of sodium reducing tips you can easily incorporate into your regular practices!
#1: Taco Seasoning
If you love making Mexican recipes at home and you are using store bought taco seasonings, you are consuming a LOT of sodium. One major brand has as much as 380 mg of sodium per serving. That’s before the nacho chips, salsa, cheese and all of the other add ons that go with the meal.
So, here is a simple way to decrease your sodium intake. It’s home made taco seasoning, and it’s super easy!
chili power 2 parts, ground cumin 1 part, onion powder 1 part.
You can tweak this basic recipe to suit your taste by incorporating red pepper, paprika or garlic powder as you wish. Experiment until you find a combination that you love!
#2: Bone Broth
Many recipes call for the addition of chicken or beef stock. But beware! One leading brand of chicken stock, for example, has 860 milligrams in a single serving!!! And, remember, this is just the one single ingredient being added to your meal. Besides that many people will automatically pick up the salt shaker before actually consuming the dish.
I have found that, generally speaking, bone broth has much less sodium than broth. And, it cooks very similarly to stock. Most will never even know that you substituted it for the stock typically called for in recipes. Plus it has the added benefit of a good serving of protein in each serving as well. I found one brand (Pacific Foods, available at Costco) that has a mere 90 mg of sodium per serving - AND 9 grams of protein!!
The added benefit to bone broth is it can serve as a good appetite curbing treat. I simmer fresh sage or rosemary in mine and drink a cup or so in the evening right before the cravings start to kick in.
Here I provided just 2 quick and easy tricks to cut the amount of sodium you consume, with no noticeable change in taste to your favorite recipes. Look for more great healthy tips coming soon!!