World Class Positivity - Love Yourself

Eat like you love yourself

Speak like you love yourself

Move like you love yourself

Act like you love yourself

We spend so much time analyzing the actions of others towards us, trying to determine their true feelings. coworkers, bosses, family members, significant others, and on and on. But, have you ever really stopped and thought how you treat yourself???? Consider all of the things listed here. Then, consider also things like how do you speak to yourself. How does that inner voice treat you?? Does it say “I suck and will never be good enough for (fill in the blank)? Or, does that inner voice say “today is a great day and I intend to accomplish my goals because I deserve to have (fill in the blank)? As a personal trainer and life coach, getting people to change how they relate too themselves is the biggest shift I can help them with - and often is the break through they need to start living their dreams.